Our Board Members
BACK (Left to Right): Mike Shenderevich – Provincial Appointee, Johnny Michasiw – Oak River, Jack Lenderbeck – Lake of The Prairies, & Vice Chair, Matt Terleski – Silver Creek, Rusty Still – Birdtail Creek, Glenda Chescu – Shell River
FRONT (Left to Right): Mervin Starzyk – Arrow River, Charles Bertram – Assiniboine River, Darcy Oliver – Arrow River, & Chair, Don Huisman – Upper Little Saskatchewan River, Dennis Pedersen – Lower Little Saskatchewan River
In January, 2020; the Watershed District Act was enacted. As a result the Lake of the Prairies conservation district, Little Saskatchewan River conservation district and the Upper Assiniboine River conservation District were amalgamated into what is now known as the Assiniboine West Watershed District.
A watershed is an area within a defined boundary of higher elevation. Precipitation, snow melt and stream flow remain within the boundary as it travels toward lower elevation. Sub-Districts are made up of smaller areas where water collects within the watershed.
The Shell River collects rainfall, stream outlets and snow melt occurring in what was the Lake of the Prairies conservation district and flows toward the Shellmouth Dam. South of the Shellmouth dam lies what was the Upper Assiniboine Conservation District. There the Shell River meets the Assiniboine River. As the Assiniboine River flows south, it is met with Silver Creek and Birdtail Creek outflow. As the Assiniboine travels further south, it collects the out flow of the Arrow River in Wallace Woodworth. At Sioux Valley the Assiniboine River moves north receiving the outflow from the upper little Saskatchewan River and Lower Little Saskatchewan rivers. North of Kemnay the Assiniboine River meets the Central Assiniboine Watershed District.
Assiniboine West Watershed District provides land management program funding, resources and services to producers, municipal partners and residents. Programs provided support practices that will increase soil integrity, water quality and landscape longevity. Â
The board members of the watershed district is comprised of representatives from each sub-district and a provincial appointee. Along with the board members, the local municipal partners and organizations team up with our staff to provide land management services that will lead to the increase of water quality.